Body Wisdom

As children, we learn about the world through our bodies. As adults in the post-industrial west, we can easily lose touch with our innate body wisdom, overriding the messages the body is trying to send us in order to meet deadlines, be productive, become or stay successful. As a survival strategy, we try to comfort ourselves by binging on food, drugs or alcohol or to control ourselves by fasting. Before we know it, our body, which would ordinarily be our best friend, has become an enemy.

In my practice as a psychotherapist, I pay close attention to the wisdom of the body and the messages it is seeking to convey. A yoga practitioner with a longstanding interest in eastern philosophical traditions, I incorporate some of the teachings of these traditions into my sessions, using simple movement work and mindful breathing techniques to help allay patterns of anxiety and stress and to restore health and wellbeing.


"There is a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. It is your business to live each day with your own creative source”

— Martha Graham